Rice is not just for eating|Amazing Uses of Raw Rice:

Rice is not just for eating. 
Rice is not just for eating|Amazing Uses of Raw Rice:

Know 5 surprising uses of raw rice, which can make your life easier

 We all know that cooking rice has many uses, but uncooked rice can be used in many other things.  You may have seen or heard that people put their wet phones in raw rice.  But there are many other hacks that you should know about.

 5 Amazing Uses of Raw Rice:

 Protect tools from rusting

 Ever wonder why people use rice to protect their wet phones?  Rice is actually very good at absorbing moisture, which is why it can help keep your metal tools rust-free.  Keeping them in a box of rice or adding some rice to your toolbox can help you prevent them from getting stained.  Likewise, if you don't have a special stand or rack to store your knives, place them in a pot of rice until the blade is completely covered.

 Clumping in sugar and salt:

 Sugar and salt often form lumps in boxes due to moisture, but you can take advantage of the moisture-absorbing properties of rice to solve this problem.  Place a small muslin bag full of rice in your sugar bowl to prevent lumps from forming.

 Cook raw fruits:

 Fruits naturally produce ethylene gas, if you press your fruit in a bag full of rice, this can help the fruit ripen faster.

 Sharpen tool blades:

 Have your blender blades dulled over time?  No problem just put a decent amount of raw rice in a blender and blend it until it turns into a very fine powder.  You can also use this technique to sharpen the blades of a mixer/grinder or coffee grinder.

 Clean vases and kettles:

 Some utensils and household items have a narrow opening at the top and are therefore quite difficult to clean.  Rice can help you in this matter.  Just make a mixture of raw rice, hot water and liquid soup and pour it into the vase and swirl it well until it runs clear.

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