What are its effects in women and what is its solution?

Clitromegaly: What are its effects in women and what is its solution?

What are its effects in women and what is its solution?

Having an enlarged clitoris is not a disease, but according to experts in physical and sexual development, it can cause problems.

 There can be many reasons for such a quality, ranging from genetic problems to diseases of the glands.

 It is also possible with the use of steroids.

 Recently, two such operations were performed in a hospital in Brazil in which the clitoris was changed.  A patient, aged 22 years, spoke to BBC.  For this report she will be called as Maria.

 Maria said that she was being treated for cystitis when she informed the hospital that her clitoris had started to increase in size and would become painful during intercourse.

 ’ When I experienced sexual intercourse for the first time, I realized that my clitoris had grown a lot.  I was worried a lot because of this.

 seek solution

 Maria consulted a doctor to see if her clitoris could be reduced in size.

 According to the doctors, Maria had a genetic disease due to which her clitoris was abnormally enlarged.

Maria tells that 'there was no problem in normal days, but at the time of sex it used to increase in size, so I started thinking about its treatment'.

 According to her, her partner did not have any problem but he also advised her to undergo treatment.  On Christmas Eve, Maria learns that a gynecologist has agreed to travel 3,000 kilometers (3,000 miles) to do her surgery.  There was no surgeon in his city who could perform this operation.

 She tells that 'after the operation, I consider myself a complete woman'.

 'It may be a very small problem for many people, but only those who are going through it know about this problem.'

Marcelo Monteiro, who performed this operation, says that 'an enlarged clitoris is abnormal but not a disease'.

 What is Clitero plasty?

 This is an operation in which the size of the clitoris is reduced but its function is not affected.

 This body part has more than eight thousand nerves which are active during sex.

 Like a 'small button', this organ is not uniform in size.

 According to Marcelo Monteiro, some of the reasons that can increase the size of the clitoris are: genetic problems, high production of male gland androgens in women, such as oral steroids that are used to strengthen the muscles, changes in the production of glands.  Tumors that increase the production of male glands in women and polycystic ovarian syndrome.

Marcelo Monteiro explains that 'due to polycystic ovarian syndrome, there is also a disease of the glands in the woman, due to which the body hair also increases and the size of the clitoris as well.'

 It should be noted that there are tissues in the clitoris that swell with the flow of blood in the same way as the change in the male sex organ.

 Marcelo Monteiro says that 'in surgery we remove the tissue that swells the most but we leave all the parts of the more sensitive type that are important.'

 Are clitoris the same size?

 The clitoris is not the same size and one should consult a doctor if they feel discomfort during sex.

 The doctor says that 'the patient should not try to measure the size on his own as it is largely a personal and private matter.  And if its size is to some extent large but there is no feeling of pain, then this can also happen naturally.

 In medical literature, there is a set standard for measuring the genitals to determine whether they are abnormally large.  However, only experts can use this scale.

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