Difference Between Store Bought Eggs and Fresh Farm Eggs

 Are Local Eggs Better Than Farm Eggs?

 Eggs are the best source of protein while

Difference Between Store Bought Eggs and Fresh Farm Eggs
Difference Between Store Bought Eggs and Fresh Farm Eggs

 they are also high in calcium and provide the body with many nutrients including vitamin D.

 Eggs are also very easy to cook and can be cooked in a variety of ways.

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 But are local eggs better than regular farm eggs found in the market?

 It goes without saying that most people think that local eggs are more beneficial for health, but is this idea really true?

 Well, there is a clear difference between the two and that is the color of the peel.

 Native eggs are light brown or brown in color while white eggs are obviously white in color.

 Why is there a difference in color?

 The answer is very simple, the color of egg shells depends on the breed of hen.

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A white colored hen lays white eggs, while the eggs of common domestic hens are light brown in color.

 But there are some types of chickens in the world that lay blue or bluish-green eggs.

 Along with genes, some other factors like the environment and stress of the chickens also play a role in this regard.

 But the main factor is the breed of chickens.

 So are local eggs healthier than white eggs?

 As mentioned above, many people believe that local eggs are more beneficial for health.

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 But the truth is that all types of eggs are nutritionally the same, regardless of size or color.

 Both domestic and farm eggs are beneficial for health.

 An egg contains nutrients like vitamins, minerals and protein, while the number of calories is less than 80.

 Experts also analyzed both types and according to them there is no difference between the two.

 Several research reports have found that eggshell color has no significant effect on egg quality.

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 There is no significant difference between the two types except for color in Asan al-Faat.

 Apart from this, few factors are important regarding egg health.

 For example, the environment in which hens live has a significant effect, with eggs from hens exposed to sunlight having 3 to 4 times more vitamin D than eggs from caged hens.

 Similarly, the diet of the hens also affects the nutritional quality of the eggs.

Does the taste make a difference?

 The answer is that there is no significant difference in the taste of both types of eggs.

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 But some factors also play a role in this regard, ie the type of chicken, its diet and the way the egg is cooked are the factors that affect the taste.

 The longer the eggs are kept, the less flavor they will have.

 So why are domestic eggs more expensive?

 Although there is no significant difference between domestic and farm eggs apart from the color, the price of domestic eggs is higher.

 Because of the price, most people think that local eggs are healthier or better quality than white eggs.

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 But the reason for the increase in price is that the hens that provide them are larger than farm hens and lay fewer eggs.

 Similarly, their diet is also somewhat different and expensive, due to these reasons, the price of native eggs is also high.

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