Youtube Vs Blogging In Hindi

Youtube Vs Blogging In Hindi

Youtube Vs Blogging In Hindi

In earlier times people did not even know that we can earn money from internet.  But as the Internet expanded in our country, in the same way we started to know that online money can also be made, out of which YouTube and Blogging are two great options.

 Most of the people use these two methods to earn money.  Whether it is YouTube or blogging, the journey of both is long and it cannot be made rich overnight.  That's why many people remain in doubt about which option is better to earn money from YouTube vs Blogging.

If you are also in the same doubt, then in this article we will give detailed information about YouTube vs Blogging, so that you will be able to easily decide which is better YouTube vs Blogging.  Therefore, it is imperative to read this article carefully from beginning to end.

Which is better YouTube vs Blogging?

 The two best ways to earn money online are YouTube and Blogging.  If you have done research about these two, then you will know very well that people are earning lakhs of rupees every month in both these ways.  In such a situation, you will also definitely want to earn money with their help.

 But the trouble arises when it becomes difficult to decide which one to choose between YouTube and Blogging.  To solve this problem of yours, we are going to analyze the following YouTube vs Blogging, after reading it thoroughly, it becomes easy for you to decide which is better between YouTube and blogging.

 Check Your Interests Before Youtube vs Blogging

 We have already told you that both YouTube and Blogging have a long journey.  If you have in your mind that very soon you can become rich by using any of these two, then you should get this thing out of your mind now.

 That's why first of all you should see your interests in what.  You must ask yourself can I face the camera for YouTube?  Or can I sit in one place for hours and write blogs?  You should choose the one from which you are interested.

 The time to be successful in both YouTube and Blogging is not fixed, so you should decide carefully which one of the two you want to choose.  If you take more time to decide, then you can also take it, but you have to take the decision wisely.

 Requirements for Youtube vs Blogging

 After adopting either Youtube or Blogging, you also have to see what are the requirements for both of them.  Because for quick success in both of these, you have to make some investment.  So now we are going to mention about the requirements in Youtube vs Blogging.

 Requirements for YouTube Channel

 By the way, a YouTube channel can be created for free through Gmail and you can also upload videos to it for free.  But to make your channel a successful channel, there are some requirements, whose information is given below.

1. Camera

 You already know that in YouTube we have to face the camera, so you should have a good camera.  Viewers watch only those videos which have good video quality.  If you do not have a professional camera, then you can also make video from mobile but its video quality should also be good.

 2. Lighting Setup

 Viewers listen to any information in the YouTube video as well as watch the person giving the information.  If the face is not clear in the video, then no viewer will like to watch that video.  For this you need a Lighting Setup.  If you cannot afford Lighting Setup, then you will have to go out and make a video where the video is good.

 3. Voice Quality

 You yourself think that if someone is giving information in a video on YouTube but his voice is not clear, then would you like to watch that video?  Your answer will be no.  Therefore it is also important to have good voice quality of your video, for which you need a mic.  You have to face a lot of difficulties when making videos without mic.

 4. Video Editing

 You should be well aware that no video can be made in one go.  While making a video, you have to stop, sometimes you forget or sometimes the situation becomes such that the video has to be stopped.

 To remove some such parts in the video and to make the video attractive, we have to edit the video.  You can also hire a video editor for this or you can edit the video yourself.  But for this you should have knowledge of video editing.

 5. YouTube SEO

 When we do some search on YouTube, many videos come in front of us.  Every YouTuber would like that when someone searches for something on YouTube, his video should be at the top.  Let us tell you that with the help of an art, we can bring our video to the top of the search results and the name of this art is SEO (Search Engine Optimization).  You have to learn SEO to get your video ranked top.

 Requirements for blogging

 Like YouTube, in order to earn good money from blogging, you also need some things, whose information we are going to provide you below.

1. Blogging Platform

 The most important thing for blogging is having a blogging platform.  Two platforms are famous for blogging which are Blogger and WordPress.  Although you can create your blog for free using Blogger, but due to its limited features, it is difficult to get success in it.  That's why you have to take hosting to use WordPress, for which you have to pay every year.

 2. Domain Name

 Just like if you want to reach my home, you must have my address, in the same way, to visit a blog, it is necessary to have a domain name.  In the free blog that we create, we get a very long domain name which is difficult to remember.  That's why we need to take the domain name so that it is easy for the users to remember the domain name of our blog and visit our blog again.  Nowadays .Com and .In domains are quite famous.

 3. Blog Writing Skills

 Those who are new blogs often try to make the blog successful by copying and pasting the articles in their blog, but later they know very well that we do not get any success in this.  For this, we have to sit and write the article ourselves and make it attractive.  We also have to do research about what we are writing about.  You should be able to write articles well.

4. Blogging SEO

 Like YouTube, there is SEO in blogging too.  If you have done some search on Google, then you must have seen that many results come out of which maximum are blogs.  Apart from Google, there are other search engines in which all bloggers want to bring their blog posts to the top.  We need a lot of patience for SEO because no post or blog can be brought up in a single day.  Many blogs take even 6-6 months.

 5. Keyword Research

 Pretend I keep telling you things in which you are not interested, will you listen to me?  No!  Similarly, for a successful blog, you have to write the blog post that people want to search on the search engine and about which people really want to know.  For this, we need Keyword Research, for which there are many tools available on the Internet.  Paid Keyword Researching Tools prove to be more effective than free tools.

Earning Sources for YouTube vs Blogging

 There are many ways to earn money in both Youtube and Blogging.  But the following we are going to mention only about those methods which are used the most and from which the earning is also good.

 Earning Sources of YouTube Channel

 1. Google AdSense

 YouTube is operated by Google and Google launched Google AdSense to earn YouTubers.  To earn money from Google Adsense, you should have minimum 1000 Subscribers on your YouTube channel and watch time of 4000 hours should be completed on your channel.  Only then you can earn money from Google Adsense.  Let us tell you that this policy of Google AdSense is updated from time to time.

 2. Affiliate Marketing

 Affiliate marketing is promoting the products of a company and when someone buys that product from your link, then you earn from it.  You can include your affiliate link in the description of your YouTube video and also give information about the product in the video.

 3. Sponsored Videos

 The trend of Sponsored Videos has increased a lot these days.  If you watch a YouTube video, you must have seen YouTube promoting a product.  This is called Sponsored Videos.  Most of the sponsorship is given to us by some company, in return of which the company gives us some money.  This money is fixed in advance.

Earning Comparison of YouTube vs Blogging

 Youtube vs Blogging You can earn money in both of these, but the question arises that which of the two earns more?  So the answer depends on your traffic.  The more traffic comes to your blog or YouTube channel, the more you earn.

 Although you get more money in blog than YouTube, the main reason is CPC.  If 5000 views come on a YouTube video, then earning is between $3 to $5, while if 5000 people read your blog post then you can earn between $10 to $20.

 By this you must have come to know that blog earns more than YouTube.  But here it also comes out that on clicking the ad, there is more earning from YouTube.

Who will get quick success in YouTube vs Blogging?

 Here, in the end, the matter gets stuck here that in which one gets quick success in YouTube vs Blogging?  So the answer is that it depends on your hard work that in which you will get success soon.  You have to work hard in both.

 To create a blog, mainly we should have knowledge of SEO because the more our blog posts are on the top rank, the more earning and quick success we get.  On the other hand, through Algorithm, YouTube itself brings your video to people's suggestions.

 Any of your videos can go viral anytime and YouTube brings updates from time to time to promote new creators.  From this you can guess that it is easier to achieve success in YouTube than blogging, but earning from blogging is also more.

 Can YouTube vs Blogging do both?

 You must have seen many people who are running both YouTube channel and blog.  But we have already told you that the journey of both is long, so you should choose one of them first.

 Because if you make both, then you will not be able to concentrate on any one, in which if you do not get success, you leave them later.  When you become successful in any one, then you can choose another platform and it will also be easy for you because with your earnings you can hire according to your needs.

Commonalities in YouTube vs Blogging

 Despite being different platforms, we get to see some commonalities in both, about which we are going to give you the following information:-

 There is a saying in the digital world that Content is King!  If your content is good and original, then you can get quick success in both.  Therefore, your content should be original in both.

 For any work to be successful, we have to invest in it.  As we have mentioned that YouTube requires camera, mic, video editor and setup etc., whereas blogging requires article writer, SEO, domain name and keyword research tools etc.  This proves that in both we have to make some investment.

 To make both YouTube channel and blog successful, a proper plan and research is needed for which we have to give time.  So we can say that in both we need to give time.

 In the beginning almost all the people are not able to afford the above mentioned needs.  So in both we need to learn something new like writing for blog, SEO and keyword research etc. and video editing for YouTube channel, script writing etc.

 It takes time both to have a YouTube channel and to be successful.  It takes 3 to 6 months to make a blog successful, while it takes about a year to make a YouTube channel successful.

 Both are great ways to earn money and reach people.  Today many people are earning in lakhs from these two.


 Above we have given you detailed information about both YouTube and Blogging.  Along with the requirements for both, you have also got the means of earning and other information.

 Actually everyone's thinking is different.  Keeping all these points in mind, someone will find YouTube easy, while for someone blogging will be easy.  Now you have to decide for yourself who is better in YouTube vs Blogging.  You should make a decision keeping all these points in mind.

 If you like the above-mentioned information, then definitely share this article with your acquaintances so that they can also decide which platform is better than YouTube vs Blogging.

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