Depression causes premature aging

Depression causes premature aging.
Depression causes premature aging

  Along with being physically healthy, it is important to be mentally healthy as well.  Mental illnesses also affect physical health.

  While hard work is necessary for physical health, efforts should also be made to keep the mind healthy.

  In order to stay mentally healthy, one should make every effort to stay away from sadness and loneliness.

  According to a study, it has been revealed that sadness and depression have the same effects as cigarettes and smoking. 
Depression causes premature aging

 Just as smoking causes premature aging, sadness and depression also cause premature aging.

  An American journal urges to stay away from sadness and loneliness and be happy to prevent aging.

  In research, American and Chinese experts noted the connection to loneliness, sadness, anxiety and depression and aging.

  For the research, experts collected data from 11,914 people across China.  Data collected included blood samples from individuals.

  Based on the collected data, an aging clock based on the physical condition of the Chinese people was compiled.

  Studies have shown that smoking, liver, lung and stroke patients have a higher rate of aging.

  On the other hand, a higher rate of aging was observed in those suffering from depression.  This leads to the conclusion that sadness and depression affect health in the same way as other diseases.

  This research was done by Manuel Faria of Stanford University along with his colleagues.  Manuel said that social and psychological factors in old age cannot be ignored.

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